Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cathedral - Dont judge a book by its cover!

As much as I wasn't looking forward to reading this because it is  long and I figured it would be boring, I actually ended up liking it. It is a classic story of "don't judge a book  by its cover". At first, the narrative character came off as selfish, judgmental, jealous and inconsiderate. He didn't like the fact that his wife had invited a man, a blind man, into their home to stay even though the man needed they're help because his wife had died. He thought that the blind man would be an inconvenience and would be a stereotypical blind man.
As the story progresses you learn that the he warms up to Robert and learns that he is fun to be around and he even says how he enjoys his company. They spend time together and end up developing a great friendship. I think that this is a great story for anyone to read. It really shows that if you are too judgmental and don't see people for who they really are than you may never know what they have to offer.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Writing tips for ya'll

1. Use what I believe to be the most important of the 6 traits : VOICE. 
     I think that this is the most important aspect of writing, if you are not making writing your own and using your own personality and voice in whatever you're writing, than you might as well just not write in my opinion. Readers should feel as though they know you a little better after they read a piece of writing done by you.

2.Write quickly
     I think the best way to get your ideas out and still keep voice is to write a first draft quickly. Just get in the zone and pump it out, then you can go back and change anything you want and fix conventional errors, but at least you know that your ideas are there as well as your voice.

3. Make it up
     Sometimes, when I am stuck and cant think of what to say, I bullshit a little. Be repetitive if you cant think of something new, you can always go back and take it out and change it when it comes to you but for the time being it is easier to just get something out that makes sense and move on to the next idea.

4. Condense/ Expand
    Decide whether this paper is better read as a shorter more condensed piece or an extended longer piece. Depending on what kind of paper you are writing it is sometimes better for there to be less to read but lots of information and facts and sometimes it is better to have more to read with more personal aspects to it.

5. Write about something that matters
     It is always easier to write about something that matters to you. Something that interests you. Writing about something that you do not find relevant or important will ultimately just be a frustrating experience. Find something that you want to write about that that is "fun" for you to research and talk about to an audience.

Hope these are helpful to some of you!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Two truths and a lie

1. I was adopted from a couple from Idaho before I was born to my mother and father and my sister aleks who now lives in chicago.
2. I am transferring to UNLV at the end of this semester to study Hospitality Management.
3. Both of my parents and my sister attended or are attending the University of Montana

Monday, October 4, 2010

Personality Test

I took the personality test and my results said that i was a type 7. It says that 7's are optimistic thrill seekers who see life as an adventure, pretty much sums me up.
It also says that once things loose their fun people who are 7s lose interest and this means things can often go unfinished, i thought this was the most inaccurate part for me because I get annoyed when things go unfinished. It also says that 7s fear being overwhelmed by the struggles of life, which its true for me.
When i went to the nine types site it said that my basic desire is to be happy while my basic fear is to be deprived. I think this is absolutely true about me. My world view is said to be full of options and opportunity and that i look forward to the future. (9 types website) I think this is true about me as well. This test pretty much hit the nail on the head. I looked briefly at the other types and I dont think any of them fit me as well as a 7. 
This was very interesting and accurate I think.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Change of Topic

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to post a blog about this but I figured why not. All week I have been working on my research log and my outline. I was finished with it Tuesday night and as I was reading over it and preparing for my conference tomorrow, I realized that I was unable to make this topic interesting. I was also having issues relating it to sustainablility in general. I decided last night at about 1030 that I was going to change my topic. I know that if I write my paper on sustainability of oceans and the importance that a healthy ocean has on the economy and every day life to Americans that it will result in a much better, more informative and interesting paper. I definately had my work cut out for me, seeing as I had only a day to re-do the work that took me 2 days, but i got it together and am excited to begin the process.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Article :


            There are many things that go on daily without much thought. One of these regular occurrences is garbage collection. People throw out pounds of trash each day without giving any thought to where it goes after it leaves their hand. Trash collection is very important and is a key element to every society. Without it, disease and fatality would increase greatly. We would live in our own filth, and our society and economy would ultimately fail.
Since I have moved from home into the dorms here at U of M I have really become more aware of how much I throw away each day. This brings up another important point: Recycling. I do not personally recycle, although I know I should. It is difficult to do, especially living in the dorms because of the very limited space that we have to live in. It requires additional attention and effort that many people don’t feel makes a big enough difference. After reading this article my thought about trash collection has changed, I was surprised at how important garbage collection really is. I have noticed more how much waste I personally cause everyday, and how much it adds up for every person. It makes me realize the importance of recycling and reducing waste.
I think this article is great for anyone to read because it really bring out points that most people ignore everyday. If everyone’s view on trash collection changed like mine did after reading this and becoming more knowledgeable of the subject then I really believe that the amount of things they threw away each day would be less and less. People would maybe even consider starting to recycle certain materials. It is important for people know that what they do affects the whole world and to appreciate people who work in the sanitation industry because in the end we probably owe them our lives.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sustainability of the Human Body

For my paper I chose to reflect on sustainability in relation to the human body. This is something I am very interested in so I believe the topic i selected will make writing this paper and doing research on this subject fun and informative for me. I haven't quite gotten my outline finished and edited to exactly how I want yet but I think I am going to go into the area of exercise and explore the ideas of something a little more controversial like the benefits and downfalls of overexercizing. I am not quite sure yet though. I am glad that I was allowed to use this for my topic as I wasn't quite sure where to go with the whole sustainability thing because I am not exactly what you would call 'green'. I am eager to read what other people wrote as their topics and how they have made the whole sustainability theme their own, as I have done.